Heron School Uniform
School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence and a feeling of belonging within the school community.
School uniforms help keep pupils focussed on their learning (not their clothes), creating a ‘level playing field’ for all pupils, reducing peer pressure and bullying.
School Uniform:
Pupils are encouraged to wear the school colours of navy blue and grey. We recommend that parents dress their children from the following list of suggested clothing:
· Navy/Grey pinafore, skirt, trousers, or shorts
· White blouse, shirt or polo shirt
· Gingham dress (Blue)
· Navy blue jumper or cardigan
· Navy blue fleece
· Black Shoes (not trainers)
· Wellies (to be kept in school)
· Waterproof trousers/jacket (to be kept in school)
Parents should ensure that their children wear appropriate footwear. Trainers are not acceptable for normal school footwear. Boots should only be worn to school in adverse
weather conditions and the children should change into their school shoes once they are in school.
PE kit:
All pupils (except Reception) will come to school wearing their PE kit on their PE days:
Please ensure that you child has the appropriate PE kit for their house. You do not need to purchase the specific house T-shirt but the correct colour is essential.
School uniform and PE kit can be viewed and purchased from:
Monkhouse Schoolwear at 99 Northgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2AA. T: 01452 413339 E: https://www.monkhouse.com/
Parents are asked to ensure that all items of school clothing and PE kit are clearly marked with their child's name and that the appropriate PE Kit is available in School on P.E. days.
Wet Weather/ OPAL/ Outdoor Learning Kit:
The children will play outside in all weather- sometimes they will get muddy!
The children will need the following kit in order to participate fully in wet weather activities, OPAL and Outdoor Learning throughout the Year:
Please pop a spare pair of socks in their bag/ book bag just in case!
We do have pre-loved uniform available at school where you are abke to make a small donation if you can. Please come to the school office to view pre loved uniform.
Bags/ pencil cases:
Children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 do not need to bring a bag/ rucksack to school. They will need a Heron book bag or similar. Infant children do not need to bring a pencil case to school as we will supply the equipment they need.
Due to extremely limited space in the cloakrooms, I would ask that all bags brought into school are as small as possible (they will need to fit on a small coat peg).
The children do not need to bring vast arrays of equipment to school with them as we will supply what they need. A small pencil case of their own is sufficient; this will be stored in their drawer.
Age appropriate merchandise:
Please do not send your child to school with coats, bags, pencil cases, lunch boxes etc. that promote non age-appropriate material e.g. Fortnite/ Prime/ Roblox. As a school, we cannot be seen to be promoting games etc that are not age appropriate and do not wish to do so.
Please ensure that the children return to school with appropriate hair styles; tram lines, spikes or similar are not appropriate for school. Long hair should always be tied back. Additional headwear such as oversized bows are not suitable for school.
Children should not wear false nails/ nail varnish to school.
The children are permitted to wear small stud earrings and a basic wristwatch watch to school. They will be responsible for their safe keeping. Earrings will need to be removed or taped for PE. Please provide your child with appropriate tape in their PE bag. When the children go swimming in Years 4, 5 and 6 earrings will need to be removed for lessons.
The children are able to bring a snack to school. This should be fruit or vegetables only- the same as in KS1. Snacks are provided for all EYFS and KS1 children.
Water bottles should be named and contain water only.
Parents are asked to ensure that all items of school clothing and PE kit are clearly marked with their child's name and that the appropriate PE kit is available in school on PE and games days.
Should anyone require guidance on any of these requirements please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Mrs Claire Brookes, Headteacher
Heron Primary School, Heron Way, Abbeydale
Gloucester, GL4 4BN
Tel: 01452 415105
Email: admin@heron.gloucs.sch.uk
Please direct any queries you may have to Mrs S Davies in the school office.
SENDCo: Mrs Victoria Churchill
e: victoria.churchill@heron.gloucs.sch.uk