Pupil Premium

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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium grant is funding allocated to schools to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. Each financial year schools receive a ‘pupil premium’, an additional amount allocated to schools per pupil whose families are in receipt of free school meals (anytime in the previous six years), children who are looked after and children whose parents are in the armed forces. 

At Heron, our aim is to provide our pupils with skills and knowledge that is transferable. Our curriculum is broad, balanced, inclusive and relevant; it complies with the requirements of the national curriculum, provides access to a broad and rich vocabulary and meets the needs of all children whatever their ability, background or the challenges they may face. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including continued progress for those who are already high attainers.

The DfE expect all schools to publish a strategy for the school's use of Pupil Premium

You can find our reviewed Pupil Premium Strategy for 2023-2024 here

You can find our current Pupil Premium Strategy here.

To see if you are eligible for Free School Meals, please follow the link below and apply directly:

Apply for free school meals | Gloucestershire County Council


Mrs Claire Brookes, Headteacher
Heron Primary School, Heron Way, Abbeydale
Gloucester, GL4 4BN
Tel: 01452 415105
Email: admin@heron.gloucs.sch.uk

Please direct any queries you may have to Mrs S Davies in the school office.

SENDCo: Mrs Victoria Churchill

e: victoria.churchill@heron.gloucs.sch.uk


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